Sunday, September 27, 2015

No Time!

Ah, sorry an investigator just called and we don't have much time left
to email. We had a a good week. We are just working hard, and one of
our investigators could meet twice this week! He is doing good.
Sorry we can't write more! We are out of time!

This is a local festival they have in celebration of a local "god's"
funeral... No time to explain.
This was my giant apple pancakes on Sunday morning 

This was a fun restaurant we went to.... My companions chopsticks should not be in his rice like that... It is kind of bad.... He just didn't know.  

These were our groceries last week. No I am not loosing weight. :-) I am actually eating really well.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sept. 21, 2015

Well, this week, the first time in a long time, we did not have a
single lesson all week. Ouch. Finding ばかり. It leaves a lot of room to
figure out what to write about or what to think... I am not sure what
to think. Mostly I am just thinking, "well, all we have to do is keep
working." Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of that commitment to
keep working hard, sometimes we get tired. So when that happens we run
(up the stairs of the apartments we are working or whatever....)
Yup, that helps. :-)
I think it was Winston Churchill who said "never give up, never,
never, never give up," right? I might have that a little bit off, but
anyways, that is about the feeling right now. I am constantly
committing to myself that I will work hard and do my best, and am
striving for the Spirit to help us do this work.
When you do so much finding you run into some interesting people. We
met a Jamaican who was on an American pro basketball league, who is
now setting up a pro. team in China. He married to a Japanese woman...
What a crazy nationality mix right!?
We invite almost everyone who talks to us to baptism, and for those of
you who are wondering, many, if not most, people say yes. They then
usually follow up with "but I am busy," so that is the part we are
working on.
I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who will incline Himself
to listen to my prayers and give me counsel and support, in that which
concerns me. I am grateful for His guidance through the Spirit and
through leaders. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon. I know it is
Thanks for all you do!
With love,
Elder Bevan

Inline image 3

Inline image 2
This was last District meeting. He zone leaders could not make it but it was a good time. We ate indo-curry and it was great! From right to left this is: Shibayama,York ,Glover, Burgener , me, and Hilke Moe and Takayama are missing.
Inline image 4Isn't this thing huge?!