Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 14

This week was good, we saw a lot of miracles, as always.Finding new people to teach is always a joy, and there is always somethings good in the day.Our investigators are kind of struggling though. One of the greatest challenges we have in Japan is meeting people. They are just always busy. Always! it kind of drives me crazy.
This Sunday I saw a cool miracle. I was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting by the Branch president (cool he trusts us!!!!!), and despite my many faults, my prayers were answered and I gave the talk as needed. My Japanese is far from perfect, even during the talk I made a lot of mistakes I'm sure, but the Spirit was there, and I gave what I think the Lord would have had me give. You have got to realize how nervous I was! I was so worried that it would be less than it needed to be, or that I would not be able to say what I needed to say, but as I stood up I could see how the Spirit was helping me to say what I needed to say. What  wonderful blessing! It was so great!
Today we are going to Nago's world famous aquarium so I don't have a tone of time to write. Hopefully I will have pictures to send next week. Thank you all for your wonderful support and love!
I love you all!

4 Man Area

Okinawa Aquarium

                                                    Last few moments as a 4 man area.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Elder Malen

Elder Malen on our 4 hour bike ride over the stinking mountain!

Geckos are everywhere in Japan!

Typhoon and Stuff

Hey everyone! Nago is just fine and dandy. Typhoons are just a part of life down here, nothing really big. In fact, this time of year is called typhoon season. There might be another one coming this week, we are not sure yet. If there was ever a place prepared for a typhoon it is Japan. Everything is made for rain. Everything. 
The roads all have great drainage systems, the houses are made to withstand rain, if it is not made of concrete, it was made to take the weather, and so nothing was really hurt by the typhoon except the plant life (which took a pretty good beating). A few houses had a little water damage, and one house was hurt by the wind, so there is not really anything to be done by way of service, but that is good I guess.
We stayed inside while the typhoon lasted. For the second day the power was out, but by the end of study we could go out again and we actually were able to get in three lessons that day! What a miracle and a blessing! On the third day everything was dry again and the only remnants of the typhoon are the branches here and there that were broken in the storm. So that is that. :)
Besides the typhoon, things are pretty normal. Our investigators need help and prayers. They are facing a lot of adversity and trial. We must have the lord's help in these things or they will all fail. Yesterday we wanted to go to meet a referral, a Grandma that had taken us out to dinner. We rode for four hours there and back, next to the ocean and over the island (meaning huge stinking mountains :). We did not find her before we had to come back for appointments. 
For anyone who does not understand humidity I will describe the scene for you. Not a single article of our clothing was dry, and when we put on our helmets, sweat squeegeed out of the head bands and dripped down onto our ties... yeah it was 大変. We were exhausted when we finally returned to Nago, and we had accomplished nothing that we went to do. 
I think I learned a little of patience from that. I learned that I need to be a little more quiet, and a little more patient, and a little more diligent. I learned that I should go and do the things I am asked to do with no complaints at all. I learned that even when we are doing something difficult, even when they do not turn out the way you want them to, there is still beauty along the way. I am so grateful for a Father who created such a beautiful world for us to live in. I am so grateful to be serving here. I love this work.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Neoguri Typhoon

Dear Parents of Fukuoka Mission Missionaries,
As you may know, Japan was recently hit by a typhoon of considerable size called Neoguri. When it initially hit Okinawa, it was classified as a Super Typhoon. But as it moved north towards Kyushu and mainland Japan, it dispersed and was reclassified as a tropical storm. We are very blessed to report that none of our missionaries were injured. The missionaries were all directed to stay indoors and were given additional instructions. Thank you for your concern and for your prayers. 
Fukuoka Mission 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

This week was really great. Thanks everyone for thinking about my Birthday you made it Great!
I think the thing that I want to tell you all about this week was Zone conference. The Mission President comes to all of the zones about once a month and does interviews, zone conference, or training. This week we got to see him come down and instruct us on effectiveness, unifying the mission and other such things. What He said was definitely meant for me. I had been praying to know what I could do to be more effective, and He talked directly on that. It was great! 
He also gave some time for missionaries to come up and give their testimonies and I was reminded how luck I am to be serving here. I love it! I love the mission!
That experience let me see a little bit of why I am working here and why I am working with President Gustafson. He such a great man! i am so glad I can work with Him!
love you all,
Elder Bevan