Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mission Stuff

Ok, so Dad gave me the low-down. My letters are not good enough. 
Well, since I am obviously out of practice in writing good letters I am just going to write what comes to mind. First off, my companion is going home early. That stinks. I love Him so much, and it is the second time now. Dang, it stinks. 
I don`t really know what I could/can do, He is leaving for Fukuoka today, I found out yesterday night, everyone else in the Apartment knew before me because they are all mission leaders. I don`t know why the Lord would have me do these things. I would much rather see all those around me succeed than fail. It is hard.
I know that what I am feeling is nothing next to what My companion is feeling. He has been in this area, with the same companion for almost six months. They whitewashed in together. They are the rocks of this area. I love Him! 
I am so sad to have a friend go. Elder Kirkham is defiantly one of my favorite companions, It was easy to joke with him and keep the mood light when everyone rejects us, and he teaches well too, and He easy to get along with and i just like him.... he is like me, He likes science and math, and he is quite sometimes and he has a sense of humor like me. I had no idea that he was leaving...
So for right now that is what is on my mind the most, I don`t really know what else you would be interested in. The nights are getting cold here. I know that it is not as cold as Idaho right now but it is cold for me. The other night we rode out (on our bikes) and I thought my fingers would freeze off. It was really chilly.
Riding bikes is a great deal of our time here, Unlike Nago there are no really big hills to climb or anything like that. I am defiantly not in as good shape as I was in Nago. But It is no problem. It is nice to have everything flat. 
On Thursday night Elder Lee and I went down to Yatsushiro to "junkai" (companion splits. As is usual here, both of us went down to the area and worked there with the elders in that area. They had just barely had an emergency transfer there too, and so none of us had bikes. We walked for nine hours. My legs were killing me by the end of it. The Elder I split with was Elder Gerrard. He is a tall guy and so we were both able to keep up with each-other`s fast paces. During the first hour of work we found two new investigators (young Mothers) and then (after quite a bit of walking) we found a woman who was just as humble as you could be. She said that she would be in the hospital for the next week, We ended up giving her a book of Mormon and planning on coming back as soon as possible. What a gook "Junkai"
I don`t know a lot, and i have a lot of mistakes, 
I suppose that nothing I do is as good as it should be, but I love this work. I am very often at wrong, but by Christ we will be made whole. By Him we are made clean and pure, We have reason to have hope in Him. 
Anyways I am basically out of time. I hope this was an improvement. I hope that everyone has an awesome week!I am working hard and keeping the rules. I`ll try and get some pictures today and send them next week. 
Love to all!
Elder Bevan

Monday, November 17, 2014

Open House and Etc.

I figure the meat of what I want to say is in my letter to President Gustafson, so here it is:

The first things that I am to report to you on are: my responsibilities to represent the Lord in our area, and to obtain His direction in carrying out my assignments and blessing the people here.
We had an open house this week. Ten non-members came! Thank goodness for good members, and a great bishop. It really was a great success because of their hard work and love of the Lord and the work. 
On another topic, Elder Lee put in a talk from Elder Holland in the MTC during lunch  a few days ago and it got me started thinking about how we (as a companionship) need the Spirit to be with us. It is a great talk, and the night after we listened to it we had a lesson in which to apply the things we had learned. I felt the spirit guide us in that lesson, and was grateful to see Gods hand in our work. What great blessings! I hope I can be better at representing the Lord by teaching through the Spirit.
I also gave a talk in sacrament meeting and took that as evidence that the ward has some trust in us, I am so grateful to be serving in Japan! I love to work with these people.

The next things to report are the status of the work and my personal progress.
The work is going. Not a ton of new investigators this last week but we plan on fixing that. Also we are working with some really great investigators right now and I have some great hopes for them. 
I am trying , as always to work hard, and to be the kind of servant that Jesus Christ would have me to be. It is hard for me to see my progression all the time, but I do feel like I am progressing and I feel that the Lord is pleased with the way things are improving. 
I love to serve here! I want so deeply to return with honor, knowing that I have served the way that I should have, having given all that I have.

Thank you for all that you do, thank you!
We love you!
Working hard and keeping the rules,
Elder Bevan

In addition to that, I don`t know what to say. I know the Savior lives and He loves us. I know this church is His church. I know the Book of Mormon is true by the power of the Holy ghost. I love that book. I love the companionship of the Spirit. I am grateful for prayer. I know through prayer we can communicate with God, our Father in heaven.

Love to all, 
I think you are a boss Bryan!
Happy Birthday Jerry!

love Elder Bevan

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Hey Everyone!

This week in Nagamine was awesome! Lots of small miracles. 
We visited a sister investigator and it was awesome! I think that the lord provided what was needed in the lesson by our various abilities. She explained that her husband and her kids were hesitant to come to church because they had not really had the chance to be around that sort of environment before, so we set up something where she could introduce us through English Class... by small and simple things! We will see how that goes. 

On Thursday we had Zone Conference and the Spirit was so powerful! We had a testimony meeting, more training on using Family history, and a training on the Sacrament. What a privilege it was to learn and talk of the Savior and His work! During the testimony meeting I was touched by the testimonies of the Elders and Sisters who will be leaving the mission soon. I determined to think more about the people I am serving, and about the God that I am serving, than about myself.  

I LOVE THIS MISSION! I would not trade even the worst day here for a day home, not even close. 
On Saturday we met a young man (probably early twenties) who let us in his apartment to talk. It was pretty apparent he had a little bit of a mental disability, but he was kind and really innocent. We asked him if there was anything he would like to ask God in prayer, and after taking a moment, and looking a little shy, he said he would like to talk to Samurai. We all smiled. :) 

Sunday was awesome. In the morning the Ward had a special prayer to start off a forty day fast. The members put their names down on a calender to take their turn fasting for the Christmas party the ward will be having in December. We hope to see much good come of it. This week followed a Stake conference, so we did not have the chance to take the sacrament last week, and this also became fast Sunday. Heaven knows that I need the Sacrament. I was so ready to be cleaned of my faults. I was also able to bear my testimony, and was afterwords asked to give a talk next week. 
Yeah! That always makes me feel like the ward is beginning to trust me! I am so grateful for that chance! Also, we had a meeting with an awesome bishop about an open-house we are holding this week. What a great privilege it is to work with such great leaders!

I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the church of God on earth. I know that it has the keys of the Priesthood, the power and authority of God on the Earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, by the power of the Holy Ghost. I know anyone who will seek it out, will find out the same thing. I know that God loves us, and I know that Christ Lives.

Love to all! 
Elder Bevan

I love my companions
Zone Conference

Monday, November 3, 2014

My Week

Last monday:Elder Lee went with a member and taught an awesome investigator while Elder Kirkham and I tried to figure out my bike situation... The lesson was awesome and my bike is expensive... and won`t be able to be fixed for a month or so. (Had to order abnormally large rims) Then just P-day things.

Tuesday:Worked on getting my bike figured out. Had a lesson with a struggling new convert named Nakano. "Dendo"ed (proselyted). Met with a less active who taught himself English by watching TV and gave himself an European movie-star accent. Helped him prepare for a TV interview. We listened to him play the piano and sing. He has a killer singing voice... really impressed. "Dendo"ed. Had a meeting with the other missionaries in the Ward about an Open house.

Wednesday:Had a funny lesson where Elder Kirkham and I taught a new investigator (long story) and Elder Lee taught the same guy he did on Monday. He accepted the invitation to be baptized. Then prep for English class. Another lesson, and English class.

Thursday: Zone Training Meeting, really awesome. Dendo for a really long time. Ate a "Tonkatsu Burger" at MacDonalds. Had  another meeting about the Open house.
Friday: Dendo. Weekly planning (always too long). Dendo. Played Basketball with some young people in the area.

Saturday:Visited a less active. Dendo. A member present. Choir practice. Stake confrence with an investigator!
16 Elders Stayed in our apartment! Crazy! Elder Harvey (my trainer) and Elder Oshima (my breaker) were both there. As well as Elder Iordachescu from the MTC!
Very fun.

Sunday: Stake conference. Three referrals from a member! (not for out area though) Attended a Funeral (great Experience, I hope I die faithful to the very end!). Borrowed a bike from Bishop! No more walking! Dendo. Talked to a young less active. 

That`s pretty much it! 
Love you all,
Thanks for all you do!

Love, Elder Bevan